End of The Year Gig Harbor Home Purchase?

Should you buy your Gig Harbor home before the new year? Are their benefits to making a purchase before 2014 hits us? As an expert in Gig Harbor Real Estate, I know a thing or two about making a home purchase right before the new year.

Here’s our list of the top 5 reasons to buy your Gig Harbor home before the new year!

One of the best things about buying your Gig Harbor home in the next week are the tax savings and deductions!

1. Tax savings. Closing on your new home by Dec. 31 means you can deduct mortgage interest, property taxes and points on your loan on your income tax return. You can also deduct the interest costs associated with a home equity loan. These deductions are significant, especially in the early years of your loan when you are paying off so much interest.

2. Sellers are Motivated! They want the same end-of-the-year savings. A motivated seller is usually open for negotiation and willing to accept a lower offer.

3. Home-builders like Hudson Homes NW are offering incentives! Many throw in extras and bonuses to close more sales before the new year.

4. Moving is easier. December moving is the off-season and most companies are wide open and available on short notice. Also, family members are off-work and in the holiday spirit of helping.

5. There’s nothing better than a new home for the holidays!

Happy New Year!